“MY INTENTION is to contRIBUTE TO the evolution of the human mind + body experience.”


The world, as we know it, is ever changing. Our modern society constantly surrounds us with an environment that is putting us in a “Fight or Flight ” mode. Fortunately people are waking up to this understanding that the quality of their life is extremely important and that they have the ability to change. Never before have so many people begun to empower themselves by seeking methods that can help them return to a healthy mind and body.


The OB+M System focuses on the awareness of self, how we interact with our surrounding environment, and ancient breath work techniques. This methodology cultivates, explores and enhances our ability to listen, our resilience, and adaptability; encouraging people to seek Balance+Health in an inspiring and natural environment. This new perspective fosters healthier, and ultimately, better results in our active and personal lives. 

When we are more aware, resilient, and flexible our performance increases. In this “Mindful State“ we increase our capacity to listen, to our environment, our team and make better instinctual decisions, with less stress and less effort.

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BY immersING ourselves into the water, IT forces us to adapt TO AN new ENVIRONMENT. Through the combination of Apnea techniques, relaxation + breath work, we can have inspiring experiences that reconnect us to ourselves + OUR surroundINGS.



Through Vipassana, an ancient form of Indian Buddhist meditation, we can train our minds to avoid continually chasing desires + attachments. Through awareness, concentration + wisdom we are able to see our reality + our true nature more clearLY.



Breath is essential to life + yet we don't give it much consideration. The mind, body, + breath are intimately connected. Through Pranayama Yoga techniques, one can learn to breathe consciously with awareness, restorING the state of balance in our mind + body.



Mindfulness is the particular state of mind that arises when we focus on the presenT WITH intention + without judgment. This process allows us to reconnect with our natural state of mind, senses + AN INCREASED AWARENESS OF the present; helpING us become less reactive + vulnerable to stress.


The aim of The of breath & mind Program is to provide you with the tools to increase your potential and improve the quality of your life. The union between Mindfulness practices and Breathing techniques will allow you to train your concentration and draw on your personal potential in order to reduce and manage Stress and bring out the Mindful or Flow State in performance while enriching your professional and personal life.

The experience of interconnectedness and the absence of a clear separation between us and our surroundings can represent a more realistic perspective and serve as the basis for developing a healthy, responsible and creative lifestyle.

  • Over several meetings together we explore the power of Breath and how to breathe correctly. Adequate breathing leads to a greater oxygenation of the body and consequently to a state of greater lucidity and physical vigor.

  • Breathing awareness is a key factor in coming into contact with one's own inner experience and unconscious reaction mechanisms, and also gives us the opportunity to observe them and possibly find new strategies. It also leaves us feeling energized and more dynamic.

  • We will discover the universal philosophy of Mindfulness which is a mental state characterized by a particular quality of attention to the sensory experience in the present moment, and is considered to be the basis of a state of genuine happiness and psychophysical well-being.

  • With creative workshops and collective experiences we will adventure into this new awareness and understand how we can apply it to the many different aspects of our life.

OB+M can work with you to create ➝

  • Individual + group classes.

  • Remote classes + workshops.

  • Custom tailored retreats in inspiring and natural environments.


Other Programs ➝

OB+M for Sport

OB+M for Sport

OB+M for Companies

OB+M for Companies

OB+M Experiences

OB+M Experiences